Sunday, 23 January 2011

Chris Taylor

Had two days of demonstrations, talks and tutorials from RCA MA student Chris Taylor. Day one he made paperclay, demonstrated screen printing and dicsussed his recent projects at the Royal College. Day two he did a throwing demo and gave tutorials. Some of his thrown work here.

His throwing demo...

My tutorial was brilliant. I had a full throwing MOT. Kneading the clay, how much water to use, how to centre, compressing the bottoms, lifting the sides. I threw and he watched and advised and then he checked on my work again later. Brilliant. He liked the way the thrown vessel becomes a jug with just one finger movement at the end of the process. Gave me lots to think about in my tutorial too. Do I want people to look at my final show and see functional jugs, or an installation of vessels which are no longer primarily functional?