Friday 7 May 2010

Jug of the Month - May

Took my class to see a play at Salisbury Playhouse today. Main actor used to play Carlos the Chef in Emmerdale apparently...which put Emmerdale theme tune in my head...which reminded me about my Jug of the Month special feature with its Emmerdale theme tune.

This is a Meakin jug from their Habitat shape range released in the 1970s. It's only 10cm high with a beautiful belly and big loopy handle. The pattern is Marina, and designed by Jessie Tate.

I fell in love with it in an eBay picture and snapped it up with a matching sugar bowl.

Meakin and Midwinter merged in the late 1960s, and the Habitat shape launched in 1970. It wasn't a success and was phased out by the mid 1970s.

This book is fab ....

and my jug features...

 I'm very partial to the Meakin 'Bull in the China Shop' advertising, which appeared extensively in women's magazines targeting brides-to-be...
Here's the Habitat advert...

J & G Meakin declared that '1970 will be the Year of the Bull' and produced the first ever colour TV commercial for pottery, reaching an estimated 10 million people. Wonder if I can find it on the interweb somewhere...