Sunday 31 October 2010

Jug of The Month - October

A 5oz Poole Pottery jug from the Traditional range. With a sweet dish to match...

My jug pattern is LE and the paintress is marked with an L? Or a V? I've looked at all the decorators' marks at the back of my book but I can't work it out...

Perhaps my jug was on Nellie Blackmore's to do list during this painting demonstration...

Leslie Hayward's book Poole Pottery talks about post war production at Poole where painted ware was "the most characteristic Poole product. Advertisements and magazine illustrations featuring these wares began to appear form 1951, and in that year the painted patterns, to be known increasingly as traditional, were graded elaborate, medium and simple." The company were working with "the design legacy of Truda Carter." This pattern sheet is from 1951 and shows the LE pattern...

and the elaborate designs have been simplified on this pattern sheet from 1963...

I love the clarity of the brush marks on my jug...

Here is an illustrated price list from 1969...

And two more 5oz jugs in the same shape from the twin tone range...