Friday 8 April 2011

Change is good

Six weeks to go till we clear out our studios and staff changes are in place. Keith has been awarded the Jerwood Makers Open (well done Keith) and needs to work on his exhibition for July. Sometimes Jane is Keith. Sometimes Dan is Keith. Sometimes Keith is Keith. Sometimes there is a big empty space where Keith should be and the ceramics department feels like the Marie Celeste. Malcolm has gone. Aimee is being Malcolm from now on. Aimee is also being Aimee. This week Aimee was Malcolm on Monday and Aimee on Wednesday. I liked both versions. I think Nick is still Nick. He left but comes back sometimes. Tim is still Tim. Tom is still Tom. We missed Daniel this week but he'll be visiting next week. And Phoebe. We've had lots of great visiting lecturers. Change is good! I'll just keep turning up, talking and listening to whoever is in the building and making stuff. Except when I'm at work. Then I'm not there. I'm somewhere else.